Nothing groundbreaking here… Just some notes of some things I don’t want to forget when taking the exam. There will most likely be a few more posts like this one in the near future as I continue to study.
Object Naming
– After first character, can contain letters, numbers, $, _, and # without being inclosed in quotes.
- LOBs – Can’t be included in PK, distinct, group by, order by or join
- char(n) – n defaults to 1; max = 2000
- varchar2(n) – n must be specified; max = 4000
- number(n,m) – n = precision (sig figs), errors if exceeded; m = scale (digits to right of decimal), rounded if exceeded
- “In Line” or “Column-level” constraints:
create table ships ( ship_name varchar2(20) constraint shipname_pk primary key );
- “Out of Line” or “Table-level” constraints:
create table ships ( ship_name varchar2(20), constraint shipname_pk primary key(ship_name) );
- Not Null constraints can not be created “out of line”
- constraints with multiple columns can not be created “in line”
- Check constraints can reference other columns
- Timestamp w/ TimeZone can’t be used in Unique, PK, or FK constraints, but Timestamp w/ Local TimeZone can
Inserts – If column list omitted from insert, then values for all columns in table must be provided
Control Transactions
Commit/Rollback – Optionally include “work”: commit work; rollback work;
- Projection – Limit which columns are returned
- Selection – Limit which rows are returned
- Joining – Get data from related sources
Unique is equiv. to Distinct
^= is equiv. to != or <>
Operator Order of Operations – Not > And > Or
Single-row functions also reffered to as scalar functions
Trim –
TRIM( LEADING/TRAILING/BOTH [trim_char] FROM [trim_source])
Time Zones
- TZD – Time zone with Daylight Saving Time built in (e.g. EST, CST, EDT, etc.)
- TZH – Time zone hours
- TZM – Time zone minutes
- TZR – Time zone region (e.g. America/Chicago)