Monthly Archives: January 2014

Looking Forward – Goals for 2014

For another year, I didn’t do very well on my goals. Again, I didn’t get through the books I wanted to or get my certification. (This is starting to sound too familiar) But again, I would also consider my year quite a success. I have been presenting much more frequently, and got accepted to present in 2014 at Hotsos, which I am very excited about. I have also been able to work on some fun challenges at work. I was also a little busier than normal, as I got married this past year. Life outside of work couldn’t be much better. But I do really want to get back to the books… I have some on my shelf that I have really wanted to get into, but haven’t made the time. So my goals for 2014 are much more simplified:

  • Read! – My Oracle reading (as far as books go) has slipped in the past couple years. I want to pick back up and get at least 3 Oracle books read.
  • Blog! – This also didn’t take off last year as I had hoped. I never got it into my routine, but have a better plan for this year, so again my goal is to post at least once per week.

Good luck to everyone else in achieving their 2014 goals!